Demo versions of our software, and sundry downloadable files.

Try before you buy - you can be sure that the software works on your own machine. The features of MacStitch and WinStitch are almost 99% available in the demo versions. You can design, import, amend designs of your own, and save them for later.
You can open our sample charts and print or export those.
The main limitations are that you cannot print or export a chart you create in the demo, or save motifs, until you have the full version.

Just click the link to begin downloading.
On Windows, be aware that some virus checkers will block software which is not on their 'known' list.
You may need to set an exclusion , or 'run anyway' to install.
Similarly, on OSX Catalina, if you have told OSX to deny access to documents, you will need to allow access for our Mac app.
Contact us if you need any help with that, or check out our FAQ where we have links showing how to handle this.

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Diamonds for MacOs
Diamonds for WIndows